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Version: 10 Jul 2024

1.2.0 Version 1.0 - Unity MRTK Magic Leap Release Notes

SDK Delivered via The Magic Leap Hub

This Package Supports Magic Leap Unity SDK Version 1.3.0 as well.

  • Magic Leap SDK Version 1.1.0-Dev2 / 1.1.0
  • Magic Leap Unity SDK Version 1.2.0 / 1.3.0
  • Unity® Version: 2022.2 (custom)
  • MRTK Foundations v2.8
  • MRTK Examples v2.8

Release Focus

Initial Update to 1.2.0


  • Voice Intents - Refer to SpeechCommandsDemoMagicLeap scene for usage.
  • Control - Refer to ControlMagicLeapDemo scene for usage.
  • HandTracking - Refer to HandInterationExamplesMagicleap for usage. Only Partially implemented on platform currently.
  • EyeTracking - Refer to EyeTrackingDemoMagicLeap for usage.
  • Meshing - Refer to MeshingDemoMagicLeap for usage.
  • AllInteractions - Refer to InteractionsDemoMagicLeap for Handtracking, Control, EyeTracking, and Voice usage together.

1.2.0 Version 1 Updates

  • Updated to MagicLeap SDK 1.1.0-Dev1 and MagicLeap Unity SDK 1.2.0.
  • Important MRTK versioning will match Magic Leap Unity SDK versions from this release onwards.
  • Updated the Pointer logic for the Interactions scene to properly fall back to Eye Tracking when controller is off and hands are not visible.
  • Implemented a new MagicLeapHapticsHandler to more easily trigger haptic events for the different types of controller haptic events Magic Leap supports.
  • Changed the Keycodes on the Speech Commands sample as the num pad keycodes were not getting triggered in the input simulator.
  • Removed unnecessary directives to better support cross platform.
  • Fixed General Rendering Occlusion material not being referenced properly in the Spatial Mesh Observer.
  • Fixed an issue with Eye Tracking where the fixation point may be incorrect if the Mixed Reality Playspace is not at origin.
  • Corrected a misspelling in the MagicLeapTouchInputHandler. "EvenActions" has been renamed to "ActionEvents".

Known Issues

  • Handtracking Performance issues when interacting with other objects. Continuous Improvements made each Sprint.
  • To use the simulator when running MRTK, you must set the Script Changes While Playing setting to Stop Playing and Recompile or Recompile and Conintue Playing in the Unity Preferences.

Important Notes

  • Instead of copying a configuration file, clone the DefaultMixedReality version and make adjustments. We have found copying an MRTK configuration file can cause issues such as Input Data Providers not loading or visualizers not attaching properly.
  • Controller Visualizer sometimes stops positioning and the logs say: Left_ControllerModel(Clone) is missing a IMixedRealityControllerVisualizer component! This happens sporatically, we have found adding the MixedRealityControllerVisualizer component to the model itself resolves this.
  • If your application builds and results in a blank/empty scene, you must adjust your projects quality settings. (Known issue in editors 2021.1 and older) To resolve this, remove all but one of the quality presets in your projects quality settings (Edit>Player Settings>Quality).
  • Users may need to add the tracked pose driver to the camera themselves.