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Version: 10 Jul 2024

Simple Camera Example

This section includes a simple camera example. A detailed explanation of each function can be found in the Camera Overview guide.

Simple Example

This example script starts the camera capture immediately and displays the resulting image on a Renderer.


This examples requires that CAMERA permission is requested at runtime and enabled in your project's Manifest Settings (Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings).

using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;

public class SimpleCamera : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Desired width for the camera capture")]
private int captureWidth = 1280;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Desired height for the camera capture")]
private int captureHeight = 720;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("The renderer to show the camera capture on RGB format")]
private Renderer _screenRendererRGB = null;

//The identifier can either target the Main or CV cameras.
private MLCamera.Identifier _identifier = MLCamera.Identifier.Main;
private MLCamera _camera;
//Is true if the camera is ready to be connected.
private bool _cameraDeviceAvailable;

private MLCamera.CaptureConfig _captureConfig;

private Texture2D _videoTextureRgb;
//The camera capture state
bool _isCapturing;

void OnEnable()
//This script assumes that camera permissions were already granted.

void OnDisable()

//Waits for the camera to be ready and then connects to it.
private IEnumerator EnableMLCamera()
//Checks the main camera's availability.
while (!_cameraDeviceAvailable)
MLResult result = MLCamera.GetDeviceAvailabilityStatus(_identifier, out _cameraDeviceAvailable);
if (result.IsOk == false || _cameraDeviceAvailable == false)
// Wait until camera device is available
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);

private void ConnectCamera()
//Once the camera is available, we can connect to it.
if (_cameraDeviceAvailable)
MLCamera.ConnectContext connectContext = MLCamera.ConnectContext.Create();
connectContext.CamId = _identifier;
//MLCamera.Identifier.Main is the only camera that can access the virtual and mixed reality flags
connectContext.Flags = MLCamera.ConnectFlag.CamOnly;
connectContext.EnableVideoStabilization = true;

_camera = MLCamera.CreateAndConnect(connectContext);
if (_camera != null)
Debug.Log("Camera device connected");

private void ConfigureCameraInput()
//Gets the stream capabilities the selected camera. (Supported capture types, formats and resolutions)
MLCamera.StreamCapability[] streamCapabilities = MLCamera.GetImageStreamCapabilitiesForCamera(_camera, MLCamera.CaptureType.Video);

if(streamCapabilities.Length== 0)

//Set the default capability stream
MLCamera.StreamCapability defaultCapability = streamCapabilities[0];

//Try to get the stream that most closely matches the target width and height
if (MLCamera.TryGetBestFitStreamCapabilityFromCollection(streamCapabilities, captureWidth, captureHeight,
MLCamera.CaptureType.Video, out MLCamera.StreamCapability selectedCapability))
defaultCapability = selectedCapability;

//Initialize a new capture config.
_captureConfig = new MLCamera.CaptureConfig();
//Set RGBA video as the output
MLCamera.OutputFormat outputFormat = MLCamera.OutputFormat.RGBA_8888;
//Set the Frame Rate to 30fps
_captureConfig.CaptureFrameRate = MLCamera.CaptureFrameRate._30FPS;
//Initialize a camera stream config.
//The Main Camera can support up to two stream configurations
_captureConfig.StreamConfigs = new MLCamera.CaptureStreamConfig[1];
_captureConfig.StreamConfigs[0] = MLCamera.CaptureStreamConfig.Create(
defaultCapability, outputFormat

private void StartVideoCapture()
MLResult result = _camera.PrepareCapture(_captureConfig, out MLCamera.Metadata metaData);
if (result.IsOk)
//Trigger auto exposure and auto white balance
//Starts video capture. This call can also be called asynchronously
//Images capture uses the CaptureImage function instead.
result = _camera.CaptureVideoStart();
_isCapturing = MLResult.DidNativeCallSucceed(result.Result, nameof(_camera.CaptureVideoStart));
if (_isCapturing)
Debug.Log("Video capture started!");
Debug.LogError($"Could not start camera capture. Result : {result}");

private void StopCapture()
if (_isCapturing)

_camera.OnRawVideoFrameAvailable -= RawVideoFrameAvailable;
_isCapturing = false;

//Assumes that the capture configure was created with a Video CaptureType
private void SetCameraCallbacks()
//Provides frames in either YUV/RGBA format depending on the stream configuration
_camera.OnRawVideoFrameAvailable += RawVideoFrameAvailable;

void RawVideoFrameAvailable(MLCamera.CameraOutput output, MLCamera.ResultExtras extras, MLCameraBase.Metadata metadataHandle)
if (output.Format == MLCamera.OutputFormat.RGBA_8888)
//Flips the frame vertically so it does not appear upside down.
MLCamera.FlipFrameVertically(ref output);
UpdateRGBTexture(ref _videoTextureRgb, output.Planes[0], _screenRendererRGB);

private void UpdateRGBTexture(ref Texture2D videoTextureRGB, MLCamera.PlaneInfo imagePlane, Renderer renderer)

if (videoTextureRGB != null &&
(videoTextureRGB.width != imagePlane.Width || videoTextureRGB.height != imagePlane.Height))
videoTextureRGB = null;

if (videoTextureRGB == null)
videoTextureRGB = new Texture2D((int)imagePlane.Width, (int)imagePlane.Height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
videoTextureRGB.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;

Material material = renderer.material;
material.mainTexture = videoTextureRGB;

int actualWidth = (int)(imagePlane.Width * imagePlane.PixelStride);

if (imagePlane.Stride != actualWidth)
var newTextureChannel = new byte[actualWidth * imagePlane.Height];
for (int i = 0; i < imagePlane.Height; i++)
Buffer.BlockCopy(imagePlane.Data, (int)(i * imagePlane.Stride), newTextureChannel, i * actualWidth, actualWidth);

Async Example

The script below is more complex and uses the Async functions to prevent performance issues when starting and stopping Camera capture. The example only supports a single Video capture stream. To use it, add the script to a GameObject and then call StartCameraCapture to start the the camera capture. This examples does not render the output.


This examples requires that CAMERA permission is enabled in your project's Manifest Settings (Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings).

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;

/// <summary>
/// A script that enables and disables the RGB camera using the async methods.
/// </summary>
public class MagicLeapRGBCamera : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// Can be used by external scripts to query the status of the camera and see if the camera capture has been started.
/// </summary>
public bool IsCameraConnected => _captureCamera != null && _captureCamera.ConnectionEstablished;

[SerializeField][Tooltip("If true, the camera capture will start immediately.")]
private bool _startCameraCaptureOnStart = true;

#region Capture Config

private int _targetImageWidth = 1920;
private int _targetImageHeight = 1080;
private MLCameraBase.Identifier _cameraIdentifier = MLCameraBase.Identifier.CV;
private MLCameraBase.CaptureFrameRate _targetFrameRate = MLCameraBase.CaptureFrameRate._30FPS;
private MLCameraBase.OutputFormat _outputFormat = MLCameraBase.OutputFormat.RGBA_8888;


#region Magic Leap Camera Info
//The connected Camera
private MLCamera _captureCamera;
// True if CaptureVideoStartAsync was called successfully
private bool _isCapturingVideo = false;

private bool? _cameraPermissionGranted;
private bool _isCameraInitializationInProgress;

private readonly MLPermissions.Callbacks _permissionCallbacks = new MLPermissions.Callbacks();

private void Awake()
_permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionGranted += OnPermissionGranted;
_permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDenied += OnPermissionDenied;
_permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDeniedAndDontAskAgain += OnPermissionDenied;
_isCapturingVideo = false;

void Start()
if (_startCameraCaptureOnStart)

/// <summary>
/// Starts the Camera capture with the target settings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cameraIdentifier">Which camera to use. (Main or CV)</param>
/// <param name="width">The width of the video stream.</param>
/// <param name="height">The height of the video stream.</param>
/// <param name="onCameraCaptureStarted">An action callback that returns true if the video capture started successfully.</param>
public void StartCameraCapture(MLCameraBase.Identifier cameraIdentifier = MLCameraBase.Identifier.CV, int width = 1920, int height = 1080, Action<bool> onCameraCaptureStarted = null)
if (_isCameraInitializationInProgress)
Debug.LogError("Camera Initialization is already in progress.");

this._cameraIdentifier = cameraIdentifier;
_targetImageWidth = width;
_targetImageHeight = height;

private void OnDisable()
_ = DisconnectCameraAsync();

private void OnPermissionGranted(string permission)
if (permission == MLPermission.Camera)
_cameraPermissionGranted = true;
Debug.Log($"Granted {permission}.");

private void OnPermissionDenied(string permission)
if (permission == MLPermission.Camera)
_cameraPermissionGranted = false;
Debug.LogError($"{permission} denied, camera capture won't function.");

private async void TryEnableMLCamera(Action<bool> onCameraCaptureStarted = null)
// If the camera initialization is already in progress, return immediately
if (_isCameraInitializationInProgress)

_isCameraInitializationInProgress = true;

_cameraPermissionGranted = null;
Debug.Log("Requesting Camera permission.");
MLPermissions.RequestPermission(MLPermission.Camera, _permissionCallbacks);

while (!_cameraPermissionGranted.HasValue)
// Wait until we have permission to use the camera
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0f));

if (MLPermissions.CheckPermission(MLPermission.Camera).IsOk || _cameraPermissionGranted.GetValueOrDefault(false))
Debug.Log("Initializing camera.");
bool isCameraAvailable = await WaitForCameraAvailabilityAsync();

if (isCameraAvailable)
await ConnectAndConfigureCameraAsync();

_isCameraInitializationInProgress = false;

/// <summary>
/// Connects the MLCamera component and instantiates a new instance
/// if it was never created.
/// </summary>
private async Task<bool> WaitForCameraAvailabilityAsync()
bool cameraDeviceAvailable = false;
int maxAttempts = 10;
int attempts = 0;

while (!cameraDeviceAvailable && attempts < maxAttempts)
MLResult result =
MLCameraBase.GetDeviceAvailabilityStatus(_cameraIdentifier, out cameraDeviceAvailable);

if (result.IsOk == false && cameraDeviceAvailable == false)
// Wait until the camera device is available
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0f));

return cameraDeviceAvailable;

private async Task<bool> ConnectAndConfigureCameraAsync()
Debug.Log("Starting Camera Capture.");

MLCameraBase.ConnectContext context = CreateCameraContext();

_captureCamera = await MLCamera.CreateAndConnectAsync(context);
if (_captureCamera == null)
Debug.LogError("Could not create or connect to a valid camera. Stopping Capture.");
return false;

Debug.Log("Camera Connected.");

bool hasImageStreamCapabilities = GetStreamCapabilityWBestFit(out MLCameraBase.StreamCapability streamCapability);
if (!hasImageStreamCapabilities)
Debug.LogError("Could not start capture. No valid Image Streams available. Disconnecting Camera.");
await DisconnectCameraAsync();
return false;

Debug.Log("Preparing camera configuration.");

// Try to configure the camera based on our target configuration values
MLCameraBase.CaptureConfig captureConfig = CreateCaptureConfig(streamCapability);
var prepareResult = _captureCamera.PrepareCapture(captureConfig, out MLCameraBase.Metadata _);
if (!MLResult.DidNativeCallSucceed(prepareResult.Result, nameof(_captureCamera.PrepareCapture)))
Debug.LogError($"Could not prepare capture. Result: {prepareResult.Result} . Disconnecting Camera.");
await DisconnectCameraAsync();
return false;

Debug.Log("Starting Video Capture.");

bool captureStarted = await StartVideoCaptureAsync();
if (!captureStarted)
Debug.LogError("Could not start capture. Disconnecting Camera.");
await DisconnectCameraAsync();
return false;

return _isCapturingVideo;

private MLCameraBase.ConnectContext CreateCameraContext()
var context = MLCameraBase.ConnectContext.Create();
context.CamId = _cameraIdentifier;
context.Flags = MLCameraBase.ConnectFlag.CamOnly;
return context;

private MLCameraBase.CaptureConfig CreateCaptureConfig(MLCameraBase.StreamCapability streamCapability)
var captureConfig = new MLCameraBase.CaptureConfig();
captureConfig.CaptureFrameRate = _targetFrameRate;
captureConfig.StreamConfigs = new MLCameraBase.CaptureStreamConfig[1];
captureConfig.StreamConfigs[0] = MLCameraBase.CaptureStreamConfig.Create(streamCapability, _outputFormat);
return captureConfig;

private async Task<bool> StartVideoCaptureAsync()
// Trigger auto exposure and white balance
await _captureCamera.PreCaptureAEAWBAsync();

var startCapture = await _captureCamera.CaptureVideoStartAsync();
_isCapturingVideo = MLResult.DidNativeCallSucceed(startCapture.Result, nameof(_captureCamera.CaptureVideoStart));

if (!_isCapturingVideo)
Debug.LogError($"Could not start camera capture. Result : {startCapture.Result}");
return false;

_captureCamera.OnRawVideoFrameAvailable += OnCaptureRawVideoFrameAvailable;
return true;

private async Task DisconnectCameraAsync()
if (_captureCamera != null)
if (_isCapturingVideo)
await _captureCamera.CaptureVideoStopAsync();
_captureCamera.OnRawVideoFrameAvailable -= OnCaptureRawVideoFrameAvailable;

await _captureCamera.DisconnectAsync();
_captureCamera = null;

_isCapturingVideo = false;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the Image stream capabilities.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if MLCamera returned at least one stream capability.</returns>
private bool GetStreamCapabilityWBestFit(out MLCameraBase.StreamCapability streamCapability)
streamCapability = default;

if (_captureCamera == null)
Debug.Log("Could not get Stream capabilities Info. No Camera Connected");
return false;

MLCameraBase.StreamCapability[] streamCapabilities =
MLCameraBase.GetImageStreamCapabilitiesForCamera(_captureCamera, MLCameraBase.CaptureType.Video);

if (streamCapabilities.Length <= 0)
return false;

if (MLCameraBase.TryGetBestFitStreamCapabilityFromCollection(streamCapabilities, _targetImageWidth,
_targetImageHeight, MLCameraBase.CaptureType.Video,
out streamCapability))
Debug.Log($"Stream: {streamCapability} selected with best fit.");
return true;

Debug.Log($"No best fit found. Stream: {streamCapabilities[0]} selected by default.");
streamCapability = streamCapabilities[0];
return true;

private void OnCaptureRawVideoFrameAvailable(MLCameraBase.CameraOutput cameraOutput,
MLCameraBase.ResultExtras resultExtras,
MLCameraBase.Metadata metadata)
//Cache or use camera data as needed
//TODO: Implement use of camera data


See the Render Camera Output Guide for more information on rendering the camera's output.