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Version: 10 Jul 2024


Module: Pixel Sensors / Depth Camera

Structure to encapsulate the camera settings. More...

#include <ml_depth_camera.h>

Public Attributes

Depth camera stream.
Controls for each of the depth camera streams.

Detailed Description

struct MLDepthCameraSettings;

Structure to encapsulate the camera settings.

This structure must be initialized by calling MLDepthCameraSettingsInit before use.

These are supported configurations: Streams Exposure limits [us] Frame rate [FPS] Long Range 250 - 2000 1, 5 Short Range 50 - 375 On 50Hz PLC: 5, 25, 50On 60Hz PLC: 5, 30, 60 Use MLDepthCameraGetCapabilities to get a list of available configurations. \note The system may not be able to service all the requested streams at any given time. This parameter is treated as a hint and data will be provided for the requested streams if available. \note The API only supports a single stream. In a future release support for multiple streams will be added. @par API Level:\n 29

Public Attributes Documentation


uint32_t version;

Version of this structure.


uint32_t streams;

Depth camera stream.

See MLDepthCameraStream for more details.


MLDepthCameraStreamConfig[MLDepthCameraFrameType_Count] stream_configs;

Controls for each of the depth camera streams.

MLDepthCameraStreamConfig[MLDepthCameraFrameType_Count]Structure to encapsulate the camera config for a specific stream. [MLDepthCameraFrameType_Count]

Only controls for streams enabled via streams field will be read. Use MLDepthCameraFrameType enumeration for indexing.