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Version: 10 Jul 2024


Module: Audio / Audio Definitions / Audio Output



MLResultMLAudioSetSoundVolumeLinear(MLHandle handle, float volume)
Sets the volume of a sound output using a linear scale.
MLResultMLAudioGetSoundVolumeLinear(MLHandle handle, float * out_volume)
Queries the volume of a sound output in a linear scale.
MLResultMLAudioSetSoundVolumeDb(MLHandle handle, float volume)
Sets the volume of a sound output using a decibel scale.
MLResultMLAudioGetSoundVolumeDb(MLHandle handle, float * out_volume)
Queries the volume of a sound output using a decibel scale.
MLResultMLAudioSetSoundPitch(MLHandle handle, float pitch)
Sets the pitch of a sound output by modifying its playback speed.
MLResultMLAudioGetSoundPitch(MLHandle handle, float * out_pitch)
Queries the pitch of a sound output which corresponds to its playback speed.
MLResultMLAudioSetSoundMute(MLHandle handle, bool is_muted)
Sets the mute state of a sound output.
MLResultMLAudioGetSoundMute(MLHandle handle, bool * out_is_muted)
Queries the mute state of a sound output.
MLResultMLAudioSetSoundBypassesMasterVolume(MLHandle handle, bool is_bypassing)
Sets whether a sound output is exempt from attenuation due to master volume.
MLResultMLAudioGetSoundBypassesMasterVolume(MLHandle handle, bool * out_is_bypassing)
Queries whether a sound output is exempt from attenuation due to master volume.
MLResultMLAudioSetSoundLooping(MLHandle handle, bool is_looping)
Sets whether a sound output is looping or not.
MLResultMLAudioGetSoundLooping(MLHandle handle, bool * out_is_looping)
Queries whether a sound output is looping or not.
MLResultMLAudioSetStreamedFileOffset(MLHandle handle, uint32_t offset_in_msec)
Sets the playback position of a sound output that's playing a Streamed File.
MLResultMLAudioGetStreamedFileOffset(MLHandle handle, uint32_t * out_offset_in_msec)
Queries the playback position of a sound output that's playing a Streamed File.
MLResultMLAudioGetOutputDevice(MLAudioOutputDevice * out_current_device)
Queries which type of sound output device is being used for sound output.
MLResultMLAudioSetOutputDeviceCallback(MLAudioOutputDeviceChangedCallback callback, void * context)
Registers a callback for when the active audio hardware output has changed.

Detailed Description


Functions Documentation


MLResult MLAudioSetSoundVolumeLinear(
MLHandle handle,
float volume

Sets the volume of a sound output using a linear scale.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
floatvolumeThe linear volume that the sound output will be set to.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully set the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The range of valid values is from 0 to 8. A value of 0 indicates silence. A value of 1 indicates unity gain. A maximum value of 8 indicates 8x unity gain (+18 dB).


MLResult MLAudioGetSoundVolumeLinear(
MLHandle handle,
float * out_volume

Queries the volume of a sound output in a linear scale.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
float *out_volumeRetrieved linear volume of the sound output.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully retrieved the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The range of valid values is from 0 to 8. A value of 0 indicates silence. A value of 1 indicates unity gain. A maximum value of 8 indicates 8x unity gain (+18 dB).


MLResult MLAudioSetSoundVolumeDb(
MLHandle handle,
float volume

Sets the volume of a sound output using a decibel scale.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
floatvolumeThe dB volume that the sound output will be set to.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully set the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The range of valid values is from -100 dB to +18 dB. A value of -100 dB indicates silence. A value of 0 dB indicates unity gain. A maximum value of 18 dB indicates 8x unity gain.


MLResult MLAudioGetSoundVolumeDb(
MLHandle handle,
float * out_volume

Queries the volume of a sound output using a decibel scale.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
float *out_volumeRetrieved dB volume of the sound output.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully retrieved the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The range of valid values is from -100 dB to +18 dB. A value of -100 dB indicates silence. A value of 0 dB indicates unity gain. A maximum value of 18 dB indicates 8x unity gain.


MLResult MLAudioSetSoundPitch(
MLHandle handle,
float pitch

Sets the pitch of a sound output by modifying its playback speed.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
floatpitchThe pitch of the sound output to be set.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully set the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InvalidBufferSizeFailed due to an invalid buffer size.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The range of valid values is from 0.5 which plays at half speed and produces an octave shift down, to 2.0 which plays at double speed and produces an octave shift up. The default value of 1.0 plays the sound at its original speed and pitch.


MLResult MLAudioGetSoundPitch(
MLHandle handle,
float * out_pitch

Queries the pitch of a sound output which corresponds to its playback speed.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
float *out_pitchRetrieved pitch of the sound output.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully retrieved the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The range of valid values is from 0.5 which plays at half speed and produces an octave shift down, to 2.0 which plays at double speed and produces an octave shift up. At the default value of 1.0 the sound plays at its original speed and pitch.


MLResult MLAudioSetSoundMute(
MLHandle handle,
bool is_muted

Sets the mute state of a sound output.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
boolis_mutedIf true, the sound output will be muted.


MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully set the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The 'sound mute' of a sound output only affects that one sound output.


MLResult MLAudioGetSoundMute(
MLHandle handle,
bool * out_is_muted

Queries the mute state of a sound output.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
bool *out_is_mutedIf true, the sound output is muted.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully retrieved the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The 'sound mute' of a sound output only affects that one sound output.

API Level:

  • 20


MLResult MLAudioSetSoundBypassesMasterVolume(
MLHandle handle,
bool is_bypassing

Sets whether a sound output is exempt from attenuation due to master volume.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
boolis_bypassingIndicates whether the sound output should bypass master volume or not.


MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully set the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLResult_IncompatibleSKUFailed due to feature not being supported on current device version.

Required Permissions:

  • None

This call sets whether a sound output is bypassing master volume, making it effectively "always audible" (assuming it is neither muted nor set to zero volume on a per-sound basis). This option is available only on certain SKUs; trying to set it when the device is not compatible will produce an error as listed below. In addition, this option only works when a sound is non-spatial; the non-spatial sound parameters volume, pitch, etc remain active for sounds that are bypassing master volume.

API Level:

  • 20


MLResult MLAudioGetSoundBypassesMasterVolume(
MLHandle handle,
bool * out_is_bypassing

Queries whether a sound output is exempt from attenuation due to master volume.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
bool *out_is_bypassingIndicates whether the sound output is bypassing master volume or not.


MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully queried the bypassing state of the sound output.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLResult_IncompatibleSKUFailed due to feature not being supported on current device version.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

This call queries whether a sound output is bypassing master volume, making it effectively "always audible" (assuming it is neither muted nor set to zero volume on a per-sound basis). This option is available only on certain SKUs; trying to query it when the device is not compatible will produce an error as listed below. In addition, this option only works when a sound is non-spatial; the non-spatial sound parameters volume, pitch, etc remain active for sounds that are bypassing master volume.

API Level:

  • 20


MLResult MLAudioSetSoundLooping(
MLHandle handle,
bool is_looping

Sets whether a sound output is looping or not.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
boolis_loopingDetermines whether the sound output is looping or not.


MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully set looping of audio.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Looping is available for sound outputs that use Loaded Files and Streamed Files (and their audio resource equivalents). If a sound output is set to looping, then when it reaches the end of the file, it continues playing from the beginning of the file. Looping is not available for sound outputs that use Buffered Outputs.


MLResult MLAudioGetSoundLooping(
MLHandle handle,
bool * out_is_looping

Queries whether a sound output is looping or not.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
bool *out_is_loopingIf true, the sound output state is looping.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully retrieved the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Looping is available for sound outputs that use Loaded Files and Streamed Files (and their audio resource equivalents). If a sound output is set to looping, then when it reaches the end of the file, it continues playing from the beginning of the file. Looping is not available for sound outputs that use Buffered Outputs.


MLResult MLAudioSetStreamedFileOffset(
MLHandle handle,
uint32_t offset_in_msec

Sets the playback position of a sound output that's playing a Streamed File.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
uint32_toffset_in_msecThe playback position in milliseconds the sound output will be set to.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully set the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.
MLResultMLAudioResult_OperationUnavailableFailed because operation is unavailable.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The playback position is in milliseconds and can be set regardless of the playback state.


MLResult MLAudioGetStreamedFileOffset(
MLHandle handle,
uint32_t * out_offset_in_msec

Queries the playback position of a sound output that's playing a Streamed File.


MLHandlehandleMLHandle of the sound output.
uint32_t *out_offset_in_msecRetrieved playback position.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully retrieved the value.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_HandleNotFoundFailed due to a missing handle.
MLResultMLAudioResult_InternalConfigErrorFailed due to an internal configuration error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.
MLResultMLAudioResult_OperationUnavailableFailed because operation is unavailable.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The playback position is in milliseconds.


MLResult MLAudioGetOutputDevice(
MLAudioOutputDevice * out_current_device

Queries which type of sound output device is being used for sound output.


MLAudioOutputDevice *out_current_deviceEnum indicating what kind of audio output device is currently in use.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully indicated the type of output device.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

This is a global configuration that is not specific to individual sound outputs.


MLResult MLAudioSetOutputDeviceCallback(
MLAudioOutputDeviceChangedCallback callback,
void * context

Registers a callback for when the active audio hardware output has changed.


MLAudioOutputDeviceChangedCallbackcallbackCallback function pointer.
void *contextGeneric data pointer passed back through the callback.


MLResultMLResult_AllocFailedFailed due to memory allocation failure.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully registered the callback.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to an unknown error.
MLResultMLAudioResult_NotImplementedFailed because feature has not been implemented yet.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 8